Risoun Gallagher

Risoun Gallagher

Welcome to a different possibility.

Are you living your best life?  Is your life working for you? Do you have everything that you desire? Are you being, doing and living the life you've dreamed could be possible?   Do you know that you have choice to change anything? What if you can choose and create everything that make your life sing?  If you could change anything that isn't working for you, what would you choose to change?  What would it be like to wake up happy to be you, and to be living your life?  I love using Access Consciousness tools and processes to change everything to make me happier.  Access consciousness empowers me to know that I know, and that I have choice!  Do you have somethings that you would like to change so you can live your best life?  What if you living and being happy is the greatest gift you can be to all of us and the world?  What else is truly possible, and how does it get better than this?

I am a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator.  I love facilitating change using Access tools, and having Access consciousness classes and workshops on releiving stress; changing sadness, depression and anxiety; having more ease with having a body; being joyfully you; and living the life you've always dreamed could be. 

Come play with me, and I hope to see you soon somewhere in the world!

I'm so grateful for this life I get to live; and I'm so happy that you're living on this beautiful planet with me!

All of life comes to us with ease, joy, and glory!

With Gratitude,





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